Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry involves the use of laser-based technology for phenotypic & functional analyses of cells or particles. It is a technique used to detect and measure physical and chemical characteristics of a population of cells or particles.

WACCBIP's BD LSR Fotessa Flow Cytometer (X-20 Cell Analyser), which is equipped with four laser lines (488nm, 405nm, 561nm, and 640nm), is capable of detecting 18 parameters; 2 scatter and 16 fluorescent detectors.


The flow cytometry facility runs on a cost recovery basis. For this reason, we do have to set a charge fee for use of the instrument. The analyser is costed at GHS 100/hour for users from WACCBIP and NMIMR. External users are charged a different rate and more information is available upon request.

Keep in mind that all booked sessions are adjusted with real usage. We prefer that you fix your samples where possible. If you require assistance to use the analyser, kindly book for periods within office hours, and allow at least a day’s prior notice to ensure there is someone to assist you.


Training to use instruments independently

All users must attend at least one training session with a member of the facility before they can book and use the analysers independently. Trained users will be authorised and given log-in credentials only after they have been deemed proficient enough. Do not use log-in credentials of another user or give out your log-in credentials as you will be charged based on usage logs obtained from the tracking system. Users must perform a thorough clean-up after each usage.

Out of hours’ usage

All users who intend to use the flow cytometer outside office hours (including weekends) must inform the administrator of their intended use at least 24 hours ahead. Only users who are authorised for unassisted usage will have access to the instrument outside office hours. Authorised users cannot assist unauthorised users to use the instrument outside office hours or without the knowledge of the administrator.


Booked time vs real-time usage

To maximise instrument usage, the booked sessions are adjusted with real usage. That means, for example, if you book 3 hours on an analyser, and come 1 hour late you will be charged the full 3 hours even if you only used 2h. And if you book 3 hours and use 4 you will be charged 4 hours.

We know, however, that experiments do not always run according to plan and you might be late to arrive to use the instrument. For that reason, we allow users to move the session on the same day without penalty. If you know you will be late, please contact the administrator immediately. Then re-book it at an appropriate time, if it is available.

Keep in mind that a session is defined by the length of time. For example, a user who booked from 14h to 16h (2 hours) can move it 15h to 17h and will have no penalties. If the user moves it to 15h until 16h, the user will be charged 1h at 50% (unless someone else uses it) because the new session is one hour shorter.

It is also good practice to adjust your booking if you know you will be late because that will free up time on the instruments that one of your colleagues can book.



There is a penalty for sessions that are cancelled too late and not rescheduled. Sessions must be cancelled and rescheduled a minimum of  12 hours before the booked session. Late cancellations are charged 50% of the hourly rate.

The reason we have a charging penalty is to prevent users from making multiple bookings which they do not use, thus preventing others from using the machine.


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